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The Danish opt-outs from EU cooperation

Denmark voted against giving up Danish citizenship for a purely EU citizenship. Instead, the EU citizenship is an addition to an individual''s state citizenship. The opt-out on citizenship has become redundant after the adoption of the Amsterdam Treaty (1997) which clarified that EU citizenship is only supplementary, effectively nullifying Denmark''s opt-out.

Denmark''s National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP)

Denmark submitted its NECP on 20 December 2019 (see below the NECP from 2019). NECP''s cover a ten-year period, but according to the Governance Regulation, during that period, all member states are required to update their plans. Hence, member states need to submit a draft update of their national energy and climate plan no later than June 30 ...

Politics of Denmark

The politics of Denmark take place within the framework of a parliamentary representative democracy, a constitutional monarchy and a decentralised unitary state in which the monarch of Denmark, King Frederik X, is the head of state. [1] Denmark is a nation state.Danish politics and governance are characterized by a common striving for broad consensus on important issues, …

Energy storage in Denmark

Denmark''s Electricity Portfolio. In our last post of our blog series about energy storage in Europe we focused on Italy. Now we move back north, to Denmark. Unsurprisingly, Denmark is known as a pioneer of wind energy. Relying almost exclusively on imported oil for its energy needs in the 1970s, renewable energy has grown to make up over half ...

Green Growth in Denmark

Denmark has exported green goods and services worth of DKK 72 billion in 2014, which is an increase of 9.5 pct. from 2013. The machinery industry represents a remarkable DKK 46 billion of the export, due to the production of wind mills. …

Denmark 2023

The IEA examines the full spectrum of energy issues including oil, gas and coal supply and demand, renewable energy technologies, electricity markets,

Denmark''s climate targets and progress

in the attainment of Denmark''s national targets for 2025, 2030 and 2050 and Denmark''s EU non-ETS target path for 2021-2030 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 CO 2 eq. Denmark''s total GHG emissions 1990-2019 and projections 2020-2030 (with LULUCF, with indirect CO2), projected non-ETS emissions and Denmark''s

How district heating is paving the way towards Denmark''s climate …

In Denmark, district heating supplies about 70 percent of the heating demand from buildings, with 35,000 new connections occurring in 2022. Denmark''s district heating system is highly energy efficient and has been one of the key drivers for reduced energy consumption and CO2 emissions from the energy sector.

Welcome to the official website of Denmark

When it comes to gender equality parameters, Denmark has been on the forefront for more than a hundred years. That said, Danish men still earn 12.7 per cent more than women. 15 per cent of the difference between men and women''s wages cannot be explained.

Danish climate policies

Denmark has submitted the official account of greenhouse gas emission reductions under the Kyoto Protocol. The account is expected to be approved by the UN during the summer of 2016. The account shows that Denmark has met its obligations under the Kyoto Protocol. The climate law. In 2014, the parliament passed the Danish climate law.

SGI 2020 | Denmark | Key Challenges

The SGI is a platform built on a cross-national survey of governance that identifies reform needs in 41 EU and OECD countries. The SGI brings together a broad network of experts and practitioners aiming to understand what works best in sustainable governance. Advocating the exchange of best practices, we offer full access to our data set and enable the comparisons …

Denmark country profile

Denmark also recognises the need for all civil society actors to contribute to achieving the SDGs (Danish Government, 2017). The Danish Action Plan is complemented by 37 national targets and measurable, quantifiable national SDG indicators. The Interministerial Group on Sustainable Development explores possible modalities and constraints in the ...

Overview: Denmark''s climate policies and latest progress to net …

Denmark has published its annual green transition report evaluating its national climate policies, agreements and progress sector by sector, and whether they enable it to achieve its emissions targets. The Climate Programme 2024 (KP24) covers the pillars of Denmark''s green transition, among them: the historic ''green tripartite'' agreement to reduce agriculture …

Renewable energy in Denmark

Wind and solar energy in Denmark The total, the capacity of active wind turbines in Denmark has increased from 3.8 gigawatts in 2010 to 7.3 gigawatts in 2023. Onshore wind turbines account for ...

Economy of Denmark

Denmark is a modern high-income and highly developed mixed economy, dominated by the service sector with 80% of all jobs; about 11% of employees work in manufacturing and 2% in agriculture. The nominal Gross National …

Energy Policies of IEA Countries: Denmark 2011

This review analyses the energy-policy challenges facing Denmark as it develops and implements the ambitious policies outlined in the Energy Strategy 2050, and provides critiques and …

Denmark – EU country profile

The Council of the EU does not have a permanent, single-person president (like the Commission or Parliament). Instead, its work is led by the country holding the Council presidency, which rotates every 6 months. During these 6 months, ministers from that country''s government chair and help determine the agenda of Council meetings in the different policy areas, and facilitate …

Electricity sector in Denmark

Denmark''s western electrical grid is part of the Synchronous grid of Continental Europe whereas the eastern part is connected to the Synchronous grid of Northern Europe via Sweden.. In 2022, Denmark produced 35 Terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity, with renewable sources constituting 83.3% of the total electricity mix. Wind energy was the largest contributor at 54%, followed by …

Biogas in Denmark

The production of biogas in Denmark has increased rapidly since the 2012 when a new subsidy scheme entered into force. The subsidy scheme, which include a fixed subsidy level across eligible biogas producers, was targeted at increasing the production of biogas for electricity production, processing, heat production and upgrading to biomethane ...

Denmark in global top three on energy transition

Founded in Denmark in 2020, Watopi is a cleantech company special-izing in decentralized wastewater treatment systems. Designed for hospitals, small communities, and households, our solutions achieve purification to drinking water level, ensuring safe, efficient, and cost-effective water management with minimal environmental impact. ...

Ny i Danmark

Du har tilladelse til at være i Danmark og vil ansøge om at forlænge dit ophold. Din situation ændrer sig. Du vil vide, om ændringer i dit privatliv eller arbejdsliv påvirker din tilladelse til at være i Danmark. Seneste nyt. 08-11-2024 . Den nationale sanktionsliste opdateret.

Executive summary – Denmark 2023 – Analysis

Denmark had already decided to phase out natural gas use by switching to district heating and heat pumps. Denmark is among the global leaders in biomethane, with around 70 large producers that inject into the gas distribution network. In 2023, the DEA expects gas consumption to consist of 39% biomethane and 61% of natural gas.

Statistics Denmark

Statistics Denmark provides assistance to sister agencies in pre-accession and neighbour countries to the EU as well as in countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. You and statistics You and statistics. Name statistics. The average Dane. Your birthday. Inflation calculator.

Something is sustainable in the state of Denmark: A review of the ...

This paper provides a coherent review of district heating in Denmark, exploring past, present and future perspectives. Danish district heating is known as unique internationally in terms of heat planning strategies, technical solutions and combinations, energy efficiency and sustainability, ownership models and financing, and it has captured the attention of district …

IEA review: Denmark a clean energy leader on the path toward …

I Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsministeriet arbejder vi for målet om at reducere udledningen af drivhusgasser med 70 procent i Danmark i 2030 og for et visionært, grønt …

Denmark''s Climate Status and Outlook

Denmark''s Climate Status and Outlook 2023 (CSO23) is a technical assessment of how Denmark''s greenhouse gas emissions, as well as Denmark''s energy consumption and production will evolve over the period up to 2035 based on the assumption of a frozen-policy scenario ("with existing measures").


Denmark has a long tradition of setting ambitious world-leading national energy targets. The country aims for renewables to cover at least half of the country''s total energy consumption by …